The European Union Helpdesk Database was lunch on 2nd February, 2004. Itis being developed in several stages. The first phase consists of adatabase on the internet including the following elements :-
* Import Tariffs - This section will display in a user friendly formatall applicable tariff rates on EU imports, including preferential regimes.
* Import Trade Statistics - This section will provide, for each product,import figures for the EU as well as for Member States with a view toproviding indications on the size of the potential market for developingcountries' exporters.
* Rules of Origin applicable to imports benefiting from GSP and importsoriginating in the ACP countries.
* Basic customs documentation enabling developing country exporters tobenefit from preferential duty rates.
* Links - The helpdesk contains a section with links to relevantorganisations such as Member States' customs administrations, importers'associations and organisations involved trade and / or development policy
* Online forum available for exchange of information between developingcountries' exporters and EU importers.